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The Beginning of M-K Aberdeen

John-William Noble (Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen) here provides a bit of background to the beginning of our newest school…

Melville-Knox Christian School Aberdeen officially opened on Monday 7th November after years of prayer, planning and organisation. We give thanks to the Lord that we have been able to reach this significant milestone; but this is also simply the beginning of a significant mountain to climb in relation to Christian education in our country.

Planning for the school initially began in 2019 which led by Pastor John-William Noble of Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen with members of Confessionally Reformed churches in the city. This began to gain momentum when the partnership with Melville-Knox Christian Schools was established, and an Aberdeen board was formed.

However, despite much progress, which included securing Grace Reformed Church as a likely building for the school and setting up a parents’ information event to gauge interest in this proposal. The event was scheduled for March 2020, but this was cancelled due to the escalating concerns about Covid-19. The subsequent months proved to be very quiet but the work of the board continued, particularly with the tireless efforts of the board’s chairman, Donald McKay.

The parents’ information event finally took place at the end of 2020, and a list of prospective parents who expressed an interest or a definite desire to enrol their children in the school was compiled. In the months that followed this list continued to grow with many parents enquiring about this school. A formal application to register the school with Education Scotland was submitted, and discussions were positive pending the appointment of a teacher. The following year proved greatly challenging but by God’s grace, in the summer of 2022 a full-time teacher was employed – a young woman called Ashleigh Moodley from a Reformed Baptist Church in Bristol. Due to the blessing of initial funding support, full-time classroom assistant and administrator, Svea Nöll, was appointed. Following the approval and registration from Education Scotland, in early Autumn the plans and work to begin the school intensified for launching in November.

Despite the vast numbers of prospective parents contacting the school, and the ongoing alarming direction of state education, the school has only started with two pupils being enrolled. The lack of urgency, Biblical teaching and application amongst churches, her leaders and Christian families is certainly a great concern and pressing need in our nation. This has been highlighted at this time by the fact that no churches in this area have sent messages of encouragement or expressed willingness to support the only Christian school in this part of the country either prayerfully or financially.

Nevertheless, the beginning of this school is a major milestone and something Melville-Knox Christian School Aberdeen give thanks to God for. It has been an immense challenge to get to this stage, but at the same time, it is just the beginning of a very lofty mountain that needs to be climbed in our nation. May this be our prayer that a generation would rise being shaped and governed by a worldview grounded in God’s Word, knowing the saving power of the Gospel, to the Glory of our Great and Mighty God

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